The Roost Lodge In Nebraska invited Braedan out to get a shot on his last bird, The Merriam. We headed out there Memorial Day weekend, got in Friday morning around 5am. By 10am, he had his Merriam. We found a few in a field, and set up under a tree and Jeremy and Dustin gave Braedan the low down on what they were going to do. We saw them from a ways away, and then they were in and out of sight. Before he knew it two red heads were in front of him and he lined up on them listening to Dustin telling him which one was the true Merriam. They kept switching on him but Braedan remained calm as can be and layed it down to rest. It was a quick but incredibly awesome hunt! Thank you Jim Kuhn, Jeremy and Dustin for all that you did to make this happen for Braedan.